Diastase and the Holy Spirit in the Thought of Early K. Barth

Piotr Jaskóła

Opole University , Poland


The article is a commentary on K. Barth’s lecture Der Heilige Geist und das christliche Leben (The Holy Spirit and the Christian Life). Its central thought is the thesis that there is no form of ‘continuation’ (Kontinuität) between man’s spirit and the Spirit of God. This lack of continuity can be seen in the mystery of creation – there is an ontological ‘discontinuity’ (Diskontinuität) between the creation and the Creator. Barth observes the similar ‘discontinuity’ in the mystery of reconciliation – the sin separates man from That, who is Holy. Also in the mystery of redemption the difference between time and eternity creates the diastase between the man living in time and the eternal God. The relation between them can appear only as a result of the miracle of God’s grace.


diastase, Holy Spirit, grace, Reconciler, Creator, Redeemer

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Piotr Jaskóła 
Opole University https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5387-6669


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