Dogmatic-Personalistic Value of Work in the Context of Technological Paradigm's Domination in Contemporary Civilisation

Tomasz Czura


The Author of the article invokes to the rich tradition of Catholic Church concerning the issue of work. Beginning with decisive Pope’s Leon XIII encyclical the Church pays attention to explain and present in the light of the Manifestation of God everything what links with a human work. The article analyzes the most vital conclusions which result from social engagement of Catholic Church. Presented article shows the matter of work in the light of current challenges such as: eradication, consumerism and mainly the appearance of technological paradigm’s primacy in contemporary culture. In this context the article is an attempt to answer the question, what is dogmatic value of human work in life which is overran by technology. In order to answer that question the Author of the article refers to axiological Trinitarian paradigm’s dimension, preached by Catholic Church. The innovativeness of presented article relies on showing axiological dogmatic Trinitarian’s dimension in perspective of human work in the age of technological paradigm’s primacy.


work, Trinity, paradigm, technology, person, dognity, conscience

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Tomasz Czura 


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