Anthropological Consequences of the Theory of Analogia Entis in the Context of Acts of Reason and Will

Jan Strumiłowski

Higher Theological Seminary in Katowice-Panewniki , Poland


The article explains the relation between the God’s and human truth as well as God’s and human act. The starting point is the statement that the principle of predicating about God based on the analogy of being derives not so much from the relation between the logics of human discourse and the metalogics of the God’s truth, but rather between the very reality of God and that of humans. Thus, if, regarding the source, analogia entis implies the very reality, it may be applied not only to the field of the truth, but also to the area of acting (i.e. of loving). The proposed analysis is in some kind confronting against the actual postmodern anthropological split that allows an independence of the reason and will. Moreover, it is also confronting against the more and more popular conviction that a Christian should live above all according to the Gospel, meanwhile the problem of knowing God is far less necessary (which discredits the reason and theology). The purpose of the confrontation is therefore to answer the question: is evangelical love possible without knowing God?


analogia entis, analogy of being, reason, will, knowledge, activity, metatheology

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Jan Strumiłowski 
Higher Theological Seminary in Katowice-Panewniki


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