The Church and the Challenge of the Cultural Pluralism

Janusz Królikowski

The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow , Poland


Today the Church has to face numerous challenges. One of them – the cultural pluralism – has recently came back with a new strength. It is an unquestionable task of theology to take part in formulating specific propositions which would let the Church tackle the problem on the traditional level as well as with respect to particular experiences which remain in the memory of the Church. The thing which cannot be neglected is the memory of the theological principles which have to be observed while facing this challenge. Therefore some of these principles are discussed here as an attempt to join the public debate, regrettably not always appropriate, which is currently taking place. In the present situation an appropriate programme of action could be looked for on the basis of the tradition of the Church. In the light of the analyses that were carried out, this programme could be summarised in the following way: accept positively authorised cultural diversity; contribute to the sanctification and salvation of those cultures exposing and eliminating those elements which introduce contrast between them and the word of God; point out wider perspectives of human, social and cultural maturity, which are opened by faith and its dynamic manifestations.


theology, culture, pluralism, evangelization, incarnation, Church

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Janusz Królikowski 
The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow


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