Anthropomorphic Contextual Demonology in the Chivalric Romance "Jonathas ende Rosafiere"

Antoni Nadbrzeżny

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland

Małgorzata Dowlaszewicz

The University of Wrocław , Poland


This article outlines the literary and theological view on the demonology as presented in the medieval Dutch romance “Jonathas ende Rosafiere”. After the discovery made by Remco Sleiderink of unknown fragments from 14th century this text has received some new attention mainly regarding the content that has been rearranged. Among many questions that have to be answered was that of the devilish element. The text reaches its climax in a rape scene on one of the main characters Rosafiere by her own father, who sneaks into the convent, accompanied by and with the help of the devil, both in the form of a nun. In this article the motif of the anthropomorphic devil is presented from theological point of view as a locus theologicus and analysed and explained by means of literary theology. At the same time the article is challenging the contemporary research in the humanities and its link to the recent developments.


demonology, devil, anthropomorphism, literary theology, locus theologicus, Jonathas ende Rosafiere

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Antoni Nadbrzeżny 
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Małgorzata Dowlaszewicz 
The University of Wrocław


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