The Need for a Philosophical Conversion and Three Points of Blockages to be Surpassed in the Pastoral Conviction of Today's Apostolate From the Point of View of Theology

Artur Kasprzak

The Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University , Poland


A simple religious conviction to proclaim faith is not enough. Today’s pastoral care must take into account the fundamental challenge of changing the paradigm of the vision of man and the world in postmodern society. This study proposes a reflection on the necessity of a philosophical conversion of the one who engages in the apostolate of the Church by demonstrating three points of blocking to be surpassed in the formulation of the evangelical message. Conversion means acceptance of an end of the epoch of the transmission of faith through the Church as a “politico-theological” body. The first point of overcoming is an absence of research aimed at an understanding of postmodern thinking which advocates the liberation of man. The second blocking point is a reading of the action of Christ in the world solely through the action of the Church. To overcome ambiguity around the signs of the times, theology must offer a more pneumatological reading of God’s action in the world. The third point to be surpassed is a “dogmatic” approach to the apostolate, that is to say, the temptation to transmit the Gospel as a fixed dogma outside the concrete situation of human history.


Apostolate, Evangelization, New paradigm, Deconstruction, The man in crisis, The post-modern man, the signs of the times, hermeneutic

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Artur Kasprzak 
The Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University


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