The Problem of Evil in the Contemporary Theology

Marek Dobrzeniecki

The Catholic Academy in Warsaw , Poland


The paper tries to analyze the views of some of the contemporary theologians on the problem of evil. This problem for centuries was the most convincing argument of atheists in favour of the non-existence of God, and therefore the answers to this problem of today’s theologians are of great importance, especially in the context of the rationality of faith. The conclusion of the paper indicates that the most popular standpoint of today’s theology is the so called sceptical theism (agnosticism). The author argues also, that this point of view is alien to the theological tradition (especially to the theology of the Fathers of the Church) and he indicates at its weaknesses. The paper signals also, that the distinction: global and local evil could help theology in solving the current impasse.


the problem of evil, theodicy, skeptical theism

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Marek Dobrzeniecki 
The Catholic Academy in Warsaw


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