The Priestly Kingship of Jesus Christ. The Biblical Grounds and the Essential Ecclesial Message

Janusz Królikowski

The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow , Poland


In the recent years the question of the kingship of Jesus Christ, which has always been present in theology, has gained in significance in Polish theology as aresult of various religious and social movements which appeared as attempts to interpret signs of the times, especially the pressures connected with secularisation, which can be observed also in Polish culture. The issue calls for systematic deepening. The article points out, especially the biblical grounds of the royal dignity of Christ, which can be found in the fragments describing His birth, but also His trial ended with the crucifixion. The events of Christ’s life show how He gains universal reign and how it is fulfilled. It is the Christ’s cross that has the greatest significance in this respect. It is the ultimate sign of His kingship and the key reference point of every interpretation of this aspect of His dignity in terms of both its historical realisation and its eschatological fulfilment. It has to be noted, that the kingship of Christ is priestly in character and that it is open to participation in it. Martyrs in the first plays, but also all the Christians may participate in it in the form of imitation since they prolong the redemptive work of Christ in their own life. Christ’s kingship is by all means an open kingship and it makes itself present in the history through His believers.


Christ, king, kingship, priesthood, martyrdom, participation

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Janusz Królikowski 
The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow


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