Similarities Between Hans Urs von Balthasar and Faustina Kowalska in the Perception of "Last Things"

Maciej Raczyński-Rożek

The Catholic Academy in Warsaw , Poland


The twentieth century theology has underlined the interdependence of theology and spirituality: the role of theology is to interpret spirituality and spirituality is to give a new life to theology. We can observe this dependence clearly in Hans Urs von Balthasar’s works. He was one of the restorers of the contemporary theology. The similarities between the theologian from Switzerland and Polish mystic Faustyna Kowalska are inspiring and interesting. The two, who have never heard about each other, have similar points of view in some aspects of reflection about God. The purpose of this article is to show these similarities in the field of eschatology. It means, exactly, a new perception of the judgment, eternal happiness and punishment in purgatory and hell.


eschatology, judgment, hope, hell, sheol

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Maciej Raczyński-Rożek 
The Catholic Academy in Warsaw


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