Human Identity - Between Creative Act and Self-Creation

Jan Strumiłowski

Higher Theological Seminary in Katowice-Panewniki , Poland


The human’s current experience gives an evidence about his or her ability to self-creation (i.e.: identity formation) in the context determined by the nature. The neuroscience researches, trying to describe the process on various levels of human existence (psychological, bodily, especially neurobiological), prove that thesis. Some areas of self-creation of that kind are contrary to certain theological thesis that underline the God’s creative act. This act determines not only the human nature in a broad sense, but also a specific shape of human existence, that appears for example in God’s vocation to a particular way of life. The article analyses potential spheres of conflict, searching both the range and the character of interaction between human self-creation and creative act of God. Moreover, the article attempts to redefine the sphere of interpretation of that dependence, putting in the analysis’ centre not the partial personal perspectives (God’s and man’s perspectives), but the perspective of relation conceived as essentially primary in respect to the personal perspective.


anthropology, relation, predestination, freedom, creation, vocation

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Jan Strumiłowski 
Higher Theological Seminary in Katowice-Panewniki


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