Theological Criticism of Homosexuality in the Teaching of Shenouda III

Katarzyna Halkowicz

Faculty of Theology in Wroclaw , Poland


Christ appointed the Church for good of humanity. It came to light through Passover of Christ. As Mystical Body of Christ the Church as living organism should take problems which threaten the future of entire human community. One of such problems is homosexuality. This issue has been taken for years in many public discussions. The dominant freedom of morals, promotion of wrongly understood tolerance impact on more and more heated discussions. This paper is an attempt to show the theological criticism of homosexuality in the teaching of Shenouda III. The Coptic pope teaches that the homosexuality violates holiness of the Church, destroys the image of God, is contrary to the human nature, is a threat for health, is inconsistent with masculinity, destroys spirituality of the human being, is contrary to the sacramental mystery of the Church, destroys true love and the truth. Therefore Shenouda III calls active homosexuals on conversion and keeping the true teaching.


Shenouda III, homosexuality, Church, theology, criticism, conversion, holiness, love, priesthood, sacraments

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Katarzyna Halkowicz 
Faculty of Theology in Wroclaw


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