Forgiveness in the Perspective of Mercy

Janusz Lekan

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


Undertaking the problem of forgiveness as something which every man needs from God, it is necessary to look upon it in the perspective of God’s Mercy as one of the elements of the process of salvation. Without doubt, we have to consider a man as the greatest fruit of God’s creation (not forgetting about ontological abyss), invited to friendship with God from the very moment of creation. Also, the original sin and its effects, as well as God’s Mercy revealed in the gift of the Only Son, cannot be forgotten. In Him we reach forgiveness – all of us who ask for it with faith and open heart. This forgiveness is realized in the framework of the New Covenant. It is accessible in the Church both in a regular (sacramental) and an extraordinary way. It leads to the creation of the new heart in us and it enables us to forgive each other in order to build the Civilization of Love. In that way, it reveals the truth that creation and redemption are correlated because redemption does not destroy the work of the Creator but the work of the tempter.


sin, forgiveness, God's Mercy, new creation, civilization of love, Sacrament of Penance

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Janusz Lekan 
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


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