God the Creator and Creation in the Decisions of the Ancient and Medieval Councils

Tomasz Nawracała

Adam Mickiewicz University , Poland


Faith in God as the Creator of heaven and earth from the beginning has been included into the deposit of faith, proclaimed by the Church. God who saves the world by His only-begotten Son, is also the principium of all available entities. Their diversity and interconnectedness reveal the wealth of creative works of the only God, but also the mutual relationship of entities among one another. They all are similar to one another not by the similarity in nature, but the similarity in the act of creation. This article tries to show how the form of the confession of faith in God the Creator was changing in the documents of the Ecumenical Councils. Texts in the form of confessions of faith, which always contain some reference to the Creator and the creation, have a special place in those documents. The analysis of these statements shows how the Church Creed has been clarified and deepened over the centuries.


Ecumenical Council, Creed, confession of faith, Creator, creation, Trinity, Word

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Tomasz Nawracała 
Adam Mickiewicz University https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6658-5951


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