The Neo-Platonic Idea of Procession and Return as a Structural Rule of Expressing Theological Truths and Its Deconstructional Reinterpretation

Jan Strumiłowski

Higher Theological Seminary in Katowice-Panewniki , Poland


Every age requires that theology seek such a language that would allow the expression of the revealed truths adequately to the way of thinking of contemporary people. That is why theology benefits from the current philosophy. New philosophical tendencies however, expressing the way of thinking of a modern man, may raise doubts as to their theological contributes. It is so because e.g. some philosophical currents question previous philosophical narrations which may raise concerns that they controvert simultaneously the theological systems based upon them. This situation is particularly visible actually, when one asks about the legitimacy of the use of postmodernist philosophies in the sphere of theology. Nevertheless, there is a possibility of transposing (translating) of the basic categories of traditional philosophies and their theological implications to the categories of new and unverified philosophical systems and this possibility proves the adequacy mentioned
above. The present article attempts to verify whether the basic categories of deconstruction may be compatible with the categories built upon the Neo-platonic philosophy.


theo-ontology, neo-platonism, deconstruction, differences, Trinity, creation, salvation

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Jan Strumiłowski 
Higher Theological Seminary in Katowice-Panewniki


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