Role of the Eastern Catholicism in Optics of Unification Christian

Jarosław Moskałyk

Adam Mickiewicz University , Poland


The historical role of the Eastern Catholicism causes still many contradictions and ambiguities. Like there is this objective reasons, which have completely different base than modern sometimes incredibly attempt to interpret the phenomenon. It must be emphasized that the main factor inspiring attention to the heritage of the Eastern Catholics in recent times is the Ecumenical dialogue in the field of Catholic-Orthodox. On the background of often to exchange views on the historical authenticity and effectiveness of a pragmatic of the Eastern Catholic. Provided here the fundamental method of action is directed on you will achieve real progress in the Catholic-Orthodox unification process, from here completely not by chance the so-called Uniate Church is surrendering to the specific judgement. This judgement assumes different shades and the different weight depending on the degree of employing pages in specific moments.


the Eastern Catholic Church, eastern Catholicism, ecumenical dialogue, unification

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Jarosław Moskałyk 
Adam Mickiewicz University


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