Humanistic and Social Aspects of the Encyclical Letter "Dives in misericordia" by Saint John Paul II

Andrzej Dobrzyński

The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow , Italy


The article, “Prophetical nature of the encyclical ʻDives in Misericordia’ by Saint John Paul II”, shows two aspects of mercy: its salvific significance in the human life and its contribution to promote justice in the world. Thanks to the new approach, the Pope presented the theological truth of mercy with its anthropological, existential and social consequences. God, revealed by Christ, is the merciful Father, willing to forgive people and suffer with them, to give them hope and support. This truth involves Christians practicing mercy daily and it has its significance in the moral life, in the life of faith and for the evangelization of today’s world. Mercy in social life puts attention to the central place of human dignity and equality of all subjects and in this way corrects and develops justice.


mercy of God, John Paul II


Andrzej Dobrzyński 
The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow


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