The Impact of Molina (and Suárez) on the Thought of Jacob Arminius (1559-1609)

Damian Dorocki

Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika , Poland


The article undertakes the issue of Jesuit’s sources of Jacob Arminius’ thought. In the first part, the author presents arguments of scholars(Eef Dekker, Richard A. Muller), who proposed the suárezian-molinist interpretation of Arminius. The main reason of their views lays in the similarities between the Dutch reformer and the Jesuit’s theologians. These similarities mainly relate to an attempt to reconcile human freedom with God’s knowledge. On the way of this exertion, the Leiden professor would have to turn toward the concept of scientia media. In the second part the author shows a non-molinist understanding of the Arminius’ thought. This perspective is coming from the Thomistic doctrine of God and theology of creation of Dutch reformer (William G. Witt), proving that molinism contradicts with them. Especially for the sake of Arminius’ desire to avoid the divine determinism. Another important fact, noted by F. Stuart Clarke, is the soteriological personalism of the Leiden professor, which is revealed by his comprehension of the relation grace-free will or Holy Spirit-man. This personalism was not derived from the teaching of Suárez and Molina, so it is quite uncertain whether it reflects their opinions about concordance of grace and free will. All of this leads to a conclusion that Arminius should be considered as semi-molinist.


Jacob Arminius, Francis Suárez, Louis de Molina, doctrine of God, relation between human freedom and the knowledge of God, scientia media, protestant scholasticism, soteriological personalism

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Damian Dorocki 
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika


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