The Cosmic Dimension of the Fullness Salvations in Paschal Christ in the Seizure of Waclaw Hryniewicz

Anna Murawska

The Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University , Poland


The reflection of Hryniewicz concerning the fullness of the salvation concentrates first of all on the Paschal Christ, treated integrally in the Incarnation of the Son, in His Ascension, and the Parousia, and then embraces the man saved by Jesus Christ. In the cosmic perspective of Resurrection of Christ he takes into account the role of Holy Spirit. Hryniewicz thinks that all, what took place in the Body of Christ, is a prototype, a reason and an anticipation of this, what is supposed to take place in the entire cosmos. In the entire reflection the indistinct division is scratched on the eschatology individual and general. With the essential present motif in the reflection in the theology of Hryniewicz is the problem of the tension between times and eternity. In solution of the matter he uses the category of the time changed, what grants to statements with him related the hypothetical character.


Resurrection, Paschal Christ, fullness of salvation, Incarnation, Parousia, Holy Spirit, cosmos, eschatology, Hryniewicz

Hryniewicz W., Chrystus nasza Pascha. Zarys chrześcijańskiej teologii paschalnej, t. 1, Lublin 1987.
Hryniewicz W., Nasza pascha z Chrystusem. Zarys chrześcijańskiej teologii paschalnej, t. 2, Lublin 1987.
Hryniewicz W., Nadzieja zbawienia dla wszystkich, Warszawa 1990.
Hryniewicz W., Pascha Chrystusa w dziejach człowieka i wszechświata. Zarys chrześcijańskiej teologii paschalnej, t. 3, Lublin 1991.


Anna Murawska 
The Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University


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