Theology of Language. Between Vocabulary and Theological Ontology

Grzegorz Wiończyk

Uniwersytet Śląski , Poland


Epistemological question posed by interpretive practice in theology, requires a supplement in the form of a covenant, which can be associated with the project of ontologization known from the history of hermeneutics. This makes us realize that theological language, understood as a system, in the technical meaning of the word, does not constitute a separate and self-protective speech about God. Language is only a system of meanings that is referring to itself. Its reference to reality, and therefore to the experience of God, is associated with the authorizing role of the community. Even the sacred texts as well as textual (in a narrow sense) testimonies in the Tradition, are not self-sufficient elements which can be deprived of their ecclesial and, because of it, experiential context. Otherwise, the Revelation would have to be limited to information only.


language of theology, language, logos, word, community

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Grzegorz Wiończyk 
Uniwersytet Śląski


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