The Theology of God's Closeness. Soteric Implications of God's Closeness in Jesus Christ in the Commentaries and Homilies to Origen's Synoptic Gospels

Michał Zborowski

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski , Poland


Jesus Christ is fullness of all Revelation (KO 2). What is the pure fact of His presence in the world? What are consequences of God’s Son incarnation? Answers for these questions are already given by Origen in the third century who states that „the more faultless come to the less faultless to give them some kindness”. Through mystery of Incarnation Jesus Christ comes, only by His presence, not to mention His words and deeds, to redeem and sacrifice the world and every man. Among these salutary advantages Origen mentions healing, extrication and sanctification. On the base of his interpretations he builds a theology of God’s closeness in Jesus Christ and creates redemption categories expressed in scriptural language understandable for all believers.


Origen, existential theology (close to life), soteriology, incarnation, touch, closeness, healing

Origenes, Commentariorum in Matthaeum series (latine), wyd. E. Klostermann, E. Benz, GCS 38, OW 11, Leipzig 1933 (PG 13, k. 1599–1800); tłum. K. Augustyniak, w: Orygenes, Komentarz do Ewangelii według św. Mateusza (Część druga: Commentariorum series), ŹMT 25, Kraków 2002.
Origenes, Commentarii in Matthaeum, X–XI, wyd. R. Girod, SCh 162, Paris 1970; XII–XVII, wyd. E. Klostermann, E. Benz, GCS 40, OW 10, Leipzig 1935 (PG 13, k. 836–1600); tłum. K. Augustyniak, w: Orygenes, Komentarz do Ewangelii według św. Mateusza, ŹMT 10, Kraków 1998.
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Michał Zborowski 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski


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