Trust in Providence. St. Bonaventure's Explanation (Luke 12: 13-34)

Bernardo Estrada

Pontifical University of the Holy Cross , Italy


In his exegetic study on Luke 12, Seraphic Doctor performs a detailed analysis of the content and defines the two main parts of 12: 13-34. His exegesis of the sections is consistent with the meaning of the text, and his hermeneutic remarks are noteworthy from theological, philosophical and practical points of view. Following the method used already at the time of Saint Augustine and confirmed by Victorinus’ philosophy, his analyses often offer quotations combined in a way that strengthens the analysis with the use od biblical texts of analogous content. Reading a text by such a great theologian as Bonaventure, one can only admire his thoroughness, logical reasoning, conclusions and pieces of advice he provides. Encounters with his interpretations are always an enlightening experience.


Bonaventure, the Parable of the Rich Fool (Luke 12: 13-34), Providence, trust


Bernardo Estrada 
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross


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