Contemporary Icon of God the Father. Inventiveness or Heresy?

Zofia Bator


Interest in icons that can be seen in the Western World during some last decades caused that new compositions come into existence. One of them is the icon of God the Father presenting a youthful carefreeness figure sitting on the throne. Lia Glandiolo – the author – justifies her inventive depiction pointing to the revelations of Mother Eugenia Rasavio. Due to the fact that the content of the revelations has been printed and widespread, the icon gains more and more popularity. Its innovative form leans however to reflection: may it stay within the range of the Christian iconographic tradition? In the article, the author – referring to Sister Eugenia’s revelations – tries to present the critical analysis of this icon in the light of Eastern and Western Christian art.


iconography of God the Father, iconography of Holy Trinity, iconographic canon, Christian art, contemporary icon


Zofia Bator 


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