Selected Dogmatic Implications of the Prayer Toward East by Joseph Ratzinger

Paweł Beyga

Faculty of Theology in Wroclaw , Poland


Joseph Ratzinger opted for the prayer towards east. Arguments given by him were not in fact liturgical but have been presenting implications between a definite liturgical celebration and the dogmatic truths. The article analyzes Joseph Ratzinger’s selected grounds in the topic, showing this theologian’s innovatory way of thinking, his merging Churche’s lex orandi and lex credendi. The matter of prayer toward east is still, though 50 years after the II Vatican Council, current and located in contemporary theological reflection. This particular and versatile
direction in prayer during the liturgy can contribute to the discovery of Churche’s prayer treasury and become an element of a grave ecumenical dialog.


liturgy, prayer towards east, dogmatics, Ratzinger


Paweł Beyga 
Faculty of Theology in Wroclaw


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