Mystery of Church and Salvation of Man

Stanisław Fiuk


The subject of this study is not only reflection upon the mystery of the Church, but also inquiring on the mystery of man’s salvation. The foundation of the Church by Jesus Christ is the beginning of a new phase in the history of salvation. At the same time this mystery is expressed in the daily life of a Christian through his or her cooperation with the Holy Spirit. In this sacred mystery of the Church a communion of God with a man is formed. In this way, the mystery of salvation becomes the essence of man and through the sacramental life, divine elements permeate with human elements. This penetration of the divine and human elements is a mystery and at the same time the evidence that is saving and penetrating Christian life. Thus we see that the Church in all its fullness appears two – dimensional, the divine and the human. In those dimensions, both divine and human salvation “occurs”.


Christ, Church, Divine Revelation, Sacrifice, Salvation


Stanisław Fiuk 


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