Original Sin as Negation of Gratitude. An Insight Into Denominationally Diversified Concepts

Wojciech Maciążek


The given study attempts to describe two interpretations of original sin that can be understood as negation of gratitude. The first one was suggested by an orthodox theologian Alexander Schmemann and emphasises the “noneucharistic” character of the world after original sin. The second term “antidoxology” is present in the writings of Brian Brock who is an Anglican theologian. Despite the fact that these two terms have denominationally diversified background, they try to express a common idea: Adam and Eva were called to show gratitude for the received reality but they rejected the fundamental vocation of their existence.


original sin, noneucharistic world, antidoxology, Brian Brock, Alexander Schmemann


Wojciech Maciążek 


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