The Generation of the Son - the Commentary of Saint Thomas Aquinas on the Ps 2,7

Wiesław Dąbrowski

Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose dell'Aquila , Italy


In the presentation of the subject – preceded by an Introduction, where the Aquinas is presented as Bible’s Commentator – the author examines the saint Thomas’ interpretations of the text Ps 2,7 regarding the theme of this research, confronted with the contemporary exegesis, and presents also two parallel commentaries of the text Hebr 1,5 and 5,5. The exposition is theological, doctrinal and biblical: the generation of the Son is spiritual, intellectual, natural and eternal. All this permits to the author to conclude that the doctrine on the generation of the Son presented by Saint Thomas in Commentary on the Ps 2,7 and parallels is very clear, rich and remains valid and topical and permits to remain in the faith and doctrine of the catholic Church.


Father, Son, Word, generation, conception, intellect, paternity, filiation


Wiesław Dąbrowski 
Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose dell'Aquila


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