The Sacrament and Celebration

Jarosław Moskałyk

Adam Mickiewicz University , Poland


The sacraments of the Church are not only making manifest the victim of the Christ and the favour of the Holy Spirit, but are also calling for the man so that he assumes the positive attitude with regard to the act of their celebration. Since via the entire sacramental-ceremonious event the victim of the Christ is being updated still anew. Community faithful obtaining the participation in the salutary mystery play, receives the privilege of drawing from supernatural gifts. And along with him impulse towards the transformation of one’s earthly activity into the actual value serving the good of the individual and the universal community. In sacraments and the celebration one purpose always becomes apparent, deprived any of the internal opposition and ruling out which consists in bringing the man closer to God. Apart from that carry occurring between two phenomena let overcome the indifference to true spiritual values.


sacrament, celebration, mystery, community faithful, transformation


Jarosław Moskałyk 
Adam Mickiewicz University


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