Kerygma and Mystagogy in the Salvific Encounter of Modern Man With God

Janusz Lekan

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


Man is the way of the Church. So what ways should the Church seek today in order to reach man who will not be afraid to encounter Christ, to attain the truth about Him and to accept Him into his life? It is one of main ideas of Pope Francis’ exhortation Evangelii Gaudium. The Pope points to two fundamental and inextricably linked issues: kerygma and mystagogy. The dynamism of kerygma ought to shape the celebration of the mysteries of faith and thus the process of the transformation of life will lead to a formation in Christlikeness, which means shaping the attitudes in imitation of Christ.


kerygma, mystagogy, formation in Christlikeness, the Church, evangelization, salvation, Jesus Christ


Janusz Lekan 
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


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