Christian Society. Reflections on the Base of the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii gaudium of Pope Francis

Edward Sienkiewicz

The University of Szczecin , Poland


Christian society is an interesting structure both for sociology as well as for theology. Pope Francis in Evangelii gaudium shows this society as not excluding anyone. Two major problems imposed with this assumption (one – methodological and second – resulting from human sin) helps to resolve the reality of the Incarnation of the Word and the kingdom of God announced through Jesus. The Kingdom of God remains the most important criterion of the community, to which can belong all men, because thanks to the mystery of Jesus’s Passover even sin is no longer an obstacle to the full realization of each person, open to the eschatological dimension.


Eucharist, Church, Christian society, Kingdom of God, community, poor people, mystery of Passover, sociology, theology, anthropology, personalism


Edward Sienkiewicz 
The University of Szczecin


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