Divinization in the Christological Perspective. Following Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI)

Sławomir Zatwardnicki

Faculty of Theology in Wroclaw , Poland


Benedict XVI wrote about a man’s universal longing to be “like God”. The first parents chose self-divinization instead of divinization by God’s grace. Pope Emeritus showed the mistery of divinization in the Christological perspective. It takes place similarly to the way two natures are united in one Person of the Son of God (the Council of Chalcedon). Showing way to the goal is a remedy for false understanding of what theosis is: it is obedience that leads through “the gate of Cross”. The way two wills (human and divine) are united in one in Christ is a condition and model of communion of God’s will and a man’s one (the Third Council of Constantinople).


Benedict XVI, Joseph Ratzinger, Christ, God, man, divinization, the Council of Chalcedon, the Third Council of Constantinople, Council, union, mysticism, theology, Christology, anthropology, nature, will


Sławomir Zatwardnicki 
Faculty of Theology in Wroclaw https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7597-6604


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