The Involvement of Saints in the History of Church and the New Evangelization

Janusz Królikowski

The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow , Poland


The experience of Church shows that saints played a vital role in its history, especially in the origin of evangelization. Therefore it is justified to ask a question about the specificity of evangelization throughout particular historical periods and saints’ contribution. According to the analysis of historical events, based on the theological key, certain images of sanctity were formed during the following ages. These models had distinctive features and developed in response to, both, ecclesial and cultural challenges. Models of : saint – prophet, saint – preacher and saint – patron should be particularly mentioned here. The synthesis of all these patterns may result in constructing the model of sanctity which is presented in the new evangelization.


sanctity, new evangelization, prophet, preacher, patron


Janusz Królikowski 
The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow


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