Logos, Pathos, Ethos. Theological Congition Act in the Anthropological View

Grzegorz Wiończyk

Uniwersytet Śląski , Poland


The theological cognition act, which has constituted a subject of investigation for ages, is today related to new questions posed by the contemporary context. The notion of the social humanity legitimization is what influences its understanding. The question concerning the theological cognition act has a deep anthropological dimension in a double sense: from the side of the method – it is a human act, therefore its analysis may be based on elements of anthropological structure: logos, ethos and pathos; from the side of the performer: it is an act of the particular person living in the particular time. This means that the theological cognition act cannot be limited only to sentence assertion or system construction, but it must consider the dynamics of a human being in its relative character, as well as the total dedication to God.


cognition, theology, the humanities, anthropology, mysticism


Grzegorz Wiończyk 
Uniwersytet Śląski


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