The Hermeneutics of the Basic Christological Concepts of Hans Urs von Balthasar's Theology

Magdalena Jóźwik


In order to comprehend the chrystology of Hans Urs von Balthasar, one of the most prominent of twentieth-century theologians, it is apparently essential to familiarize with the key concepts employed by the Swiss theologian whilst describing the Christ Event. Doubtless, in chrystological reflection of Balthasar it is mission, obedience, kenosis and universale concretum. Scrutinizing the key concepts of Balthasar’s chrystology one cannot separate them from their paschal as well as intra-trinitarian context. Hence, hermeneutics of terms: mission, obedience, kenosis and universale concretum requires presenting them in the light of the Triune immanent life and also His work within the Salvation History. Comprehension of these Balthasar’s chrystology concepts necessitates recalling their primary meanings and the way of understanding by the Swiss theologian as well as referring to biblical, philosophical or cultural perspective. Eventually, setting in an appropriate context and taking Misterium Paschalis and Misterium Trinitatis into consideration may help to outline the horizon of Balthasar’s chrystology.


Balthasar, obediecne, kenosis, universale concretum, Passover


Magdalena Jóźwik 


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