Unity in Variety. Elements of a Profession of Faith in Documents of Synods From the 1st to the 3rd Century

Tomasz Nawracała

Adam Mickiewicz University , Poland


Faith has always been a significant element in the life of the Church community. However, before it was officially expressed in a profession of councils in Nice and constantinople, the faith had been experienced and formed by local church communities. the opinions exchange and the necessity of protection from non-orthodox trends were the reason for bishops gathering in synods and searching for a common way to overcome increasing difficulties. The creed has been formed over centuries, using biblical expressions at first, and then the ones which derive from the world of pagan philosophy. This article presents development of elements common for the church creed in synod documents from the 1st to the 3rd century.


Tomasz Nawracała 
Adam Mickiewicz University https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6658-5951


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