Christology as an Art of Life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's

Bogdan Ferdek

Faculty of Theology in Wroclaw , Poland

Magdalena Piekarska


Bonhoeffer`s resistance to Nazism flies in the face of the initial successes of the Third Reich. Believing that truth consists of more than the facts, he chose to resist evil rather than negotiate a „non-agression pact” with it. For Bonhoeffer truth is not so much something as it is Someone, i.e. Jesus Christ. Living in the truth thus entails following Jesus. Today the debate over truth has taken a new face. A thoroughgoing relativism, which denies the existence of truth and hence of lies, acknowledges one`s self and one`s desires to be the only measure of things. The fruit of relativism is political correctness, which eliminates certain themes from public discourse in the name of tolerance. The dominant ideology gains control of the media and perhaps the parliament, leading to solutions that infringe on the dignity of
human beings. Bonhoffer reminds us that politicians cannot divorce themselves from truth.


Bogdan Ferdek 
Faculty of Theology in Wroclaw
Magdalena Piekarska 


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