The Created Freedom. The Small Anthropological Sketch Preached During Homilies on the Meaning of the Decalogue, the Polish Pope Speaks to the Compatriots in the Year 1991

Sławomir Kunka

Nicolaus Copernicus University , Poland


Blessed John Paul II in his homilies reminded his compatriots in 1991 that man is God’s creation. He is the only creature that was endowed with free will and is the only that by the own existence is taken up into level of the moral life. Man makes his own choice, set according to his pleasure by ways of the own development. The divine law is given by the Creator to man as the gift, by virtue of the “equality” of partners in the sense that man is already capable of assuming the dialogue with his Creator. The Decalogue isn’t the gift from the outside, it is only revelation by God of the one essential dimension of the original gift which man has received from Creator – of the human existence. This article discusses: the question of the image and likeness of God in man, the Fatherhood of God to man and original sin, the holiness and inviolability of human life, the morality and right of nature, the question of the work and possession, and the questions of the sexuality and the “heart” of man.


Sławomir Kunka 
Nicolaus Copernicus University


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