Latin as a Language of the Church and Theology. 50 Years of Apostolic Constitution Veterum sapientia

Julian Nastałek

Faculty of Theology in Wroclaw , Poland


The Veterum Sapientia is a document that was promulgated by a pope John XXIII on 22 february 1962. In this Apostolic Constitution the pope underlined importance of a study and an use of latin in the Church. The article reminds the most important contents of this Constitution and makes analysis of ufficial documents of the Church on this argument. 50 years after publication papal’s document it is necessary to constatate that Church teaching about the role of latin in theology, in liturgy and in formation of clergy has not changed. Latin is important also for the Church of XXI century as a language that makes possible access to the immense theological and cultural patrimony and as a language of the divine worship.


Julian Nastałek 
Faculty of Theology in Wroclaw


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