Christian Personalism as a Key to the Second Vatican Council

Bogumił Gacka

The Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University , Poland


Dr. Robert Skrzypczak published a book entitled Karol Wojtyła na Soborze Watykańskim II (Karol Wojtyła During the Second Vatican Council). It is a compendium of the 24 interventions proclaimed by Bishop Karol Wojtyła during the Second Vatican Council (1962–1965). According to Bishop Wojtyła christian personalism is a key to the council. It means a clear principle of personalism in dogmatic, moral and social teaching of the
church, catechumenate of the Church and christian personalism in the relation of the Church to the modern world (atheism, apostolate and family). Our Lady is Mother of God (Mater Dei) and Mother of the Church (Mater Ecclesiae).


Bogumił Gacka 
The Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University


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