The Man's Nature and the Human Sexuality

Sławomir Kunka

Nicolaus Copernicus University , Poland


To understand the human person, it is necessary to understand theme of the man’s nature. Anthropology practiced in the spirit of personalism cannot neglect this theme. The human nature is not something abstract, but always belongs to a concrete person. It is expressed in it. on the other hand, the nature is the basis of the existence and the action of that person. The man’s nature is one for all human beings, but takes two expressions: masculinity and femininity. The sex of man is an important expression of human being, because man was created as male and female (cf. Gen 1: 27). The human sexuality has an ethical dimension, which is manifested, among other things, by the virtue of charity. It must be kept it in mind that the man’s sex also has a theological dimension. The masculinity and the femininity, with their corresponding the fatherhood or the motherhood, are the forms of realization of the divine will in the lives of the concrete persons, and are also the way of personal sanctification.


Sławomir Kunka 
Nicolaus Copernicus University


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