Transcending Onesefl as the Fundamental Category of the Anthropology of Karol Wojtyła - John Paul II

Maria Zboralska


The purpose of the article is to reveal that transcending oneself is the fundamental category of the anthropology of Karol Wojtyła – John Paul II. The concept consists of three dimensions: self transcendence, transcendence towards others and transcendence towards God. It is presented both in philosophical and theological works of Karol Wojtyła – John Paul II. Self transcendence means going beyond oneself in moral conscience for the sake of real good. Transcendence towards others is expressed by the concept of participation and reveals the vocation of a man to be a gift creating the community of persons. Transcendence towards God signifies going beyond oneself not only in terms of reason, but especially through faith, hope and love.


Maria Zboralska 


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