Poetic Definition of God by Priest J. Twardowski Poems

Agnieszka Konieczna

Faculty of Theology in Wroclaw , Poland


A poetic definition - words apparently do not matching, not to be used in one sentence. However, in reference to God they seem to make sense. This appears because semantic and metaphorical richness, which characterizes poetic language, allows to extract and express what can not be expressed and defined using only the language of science. The article focuses on the qualities of God that are described not by a dogmatic theologian but by a poet. Twardowski himself clearly postulates that one should not seek to close God in the semantic meaning of any adjective. However, in his works he often takes the effort not only to reveal but also to determine God. How and to what extent is it possible with the help of poetry? – an attempt to answer this question is the purpose of this article. The method used is the analyzis of poetic texts and then presenting their reference to the attributes of God defined by dogmatic theology.


Agnieszka Konieczna 
Faculty of Theology in Wroclaw


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