Deus Providebit. God's Attitude Towards Suffering, According to J. Ratzinger/pope Benedict XVI

Jerzy Szymik

University of Silesia in Katowice , Poland


The question concerning God with regards to suffering, involving His attitude towards human experience of suffering, constitutes a crucial point of theology, while the corresponding answer has been inextricably linked with the image of God Himself and forms the very essence of Christian faith. J. Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI elicits the image of God emerging from biblical stories of suffering: Abraham’s (Moria), Job’s
and, finally, Christ’s (cross), their redemptive-historical apogee. Further to the story of sacrifice of Isaac, the Pope converts Abraham’s words: ‘God will provide’ into – so to speak – a pivot, and – at the same time – a punch line of the theological analysis of the problem and indicates multiple connotations of this notion. God does not solve the secret of suffering outside Himself; consequently, men may get an answer only by entrusting God with the whole burden of their existence. Honesty, confidence and humility of prayer enable men to discern and understand that suffering – though remaining drama and raising justified objection – proves to be the place of cognition of God, who finally
“changes” men (in their suffering), saves and redeems them.


Jerzy Szymik 
University of Silesia in Katowice


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