Hell - God's Rejected Love

Szymon Drzyżdżyk

The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow , Poland


Paper „Hell – God’s Rejected Love” deals with a subject that is always lively and exciting for a theological reflection on man’s ultimate fate. It concerns Hell, which – as Karl Rahner says – is a real and unavoidable possibility for pilgrims. The paper touches upon such notions as: relation between love and freedom, the absurdity of Hell, and ambiguity of Biblical texts which on the one hand include rather strict words about damnation, but on the other, leave no doubt that universal redemption is the will of God. The paper shows love as a choice which is not a risk but a continuing inner appeal to man’s freedom to want to choose God. However, one who consistently rejects love becomes a creator of Hell as it is man that is ultimately the maker of Hell in the same way as he is the maker of sin.


Szymon Drzyżdżyk 
The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2211-2102


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