Christian Humanitas in the Light of the Mystery of the God's Fatherhood

Andrzej Kaim

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


Can God be a father? Can God have a son? These questions have started a new era in the history of the religion stemming from Abraham. In Christianity the secret of God’s fatherhood has become a source of development for theology of marriage and family. The stream of practicing universal love, common love and in that sense ecumenical love, which embraces the humanity as a whole as well as all creation, has developed. Can today, in the context of the primal questions about God’s fatherhood, the answers to questions about the sense of human love and human parenthood be found? What is the secret of God’s parenthood worth in the expression of a universal love, practiced by people of a free status, consecrated, secular, the clergy, charismatic figures, group leaders, social and voluntary workers as well people, for whom life for others is the passion of their lives. The kind of church and social love, which, as explained by father professor Czesław Bartnik – „exceeds a certain society and embraces the whole of humanity. Therefore, the universal love somehow has a separate status of existence: it is at first glance the least empirical and the least noticeable of all kinds. It does not involve the pleasure of erotic love, it does not involve the instinct of parental love, it does not involve the warmth of love in the family, no charm of certain groups, nor the metaphysical attraction of God’s love. It is not a biological need or a day-to-day task, not an emotion, passion, impulse or excitement. We can sense in it a note of devotion, mission, yet unknown nostalgia but above all the highest duty. With time we start to notice in it the silence of the blue, the shine of idea and warmth of existence” (Łaska drogi, 51-52).


Andrzej Kaim 
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


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