Poznanie metafizyczne człowieka a problematyka istnienia Boga

Joachim Latawiec


God’s existence and His identification was one of the toughest thing for each thinking human and became the main issue, widely discussed in theology and philosophy. Science, which is delivering universal categories for theology and helps to think about God as someone inclusive, describing and crossing whole reality, is metaphysics. The world of created beings becomes a special environment to search for God’s presence. However this right shouldn’t cover us the whole intellectual and volitional sphere. The task of human intellect is to become acquainted with basic rights ruling the nature ones. Afterwards asking for their reason of existence, going by the chain of causes and effects to the first
ground inquiring at the same time about source of it’s beginning. Notwithstanding just knowledge doesn’t guarantee experience of God’s presence. Attitude of human openness for taking the truth about Him, derived from world’s reality, is absolutely necessary. Guarantee of that is the good human will, making him free of biases against the world and faith of God. It thereby helps to set out own interior for deep reverie about world and creative contemplation of its harmonious complexity.


Joachim Latawiec 


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