
Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The text has not been published anywhere so far or it is not being considered by another journal.
  • The article respects the principle of copyright.
  • The text is saved in Open Office, Microsoft Word, RTF or Word Perfect format.
  • The text has been prepared and formatted in accordance with the guidelines for authors, editorial guidelines and technical principles for the preparation of works [see tab: Applications].
  • Its layout includes required structural elements [see Detailed rules for texts].

'KUL Research Bulletin' publishes scientific articles in Polish and congress languages primarily in the core discipline which is sociological sciences. The texts of authors representing other social sciences may also be sent in, provided that they raise issues in the field of sociology of values and broadly understood social and cultural axiology.
Submitted papers are subject to the procedure of scientific review, adopted by the editorial team and described on this website (see Reviewing procedures).
The editorial team does not charge for submitting a text, nor do they pay any fees for publishing it. Only texts where, when depositing, the author has stated that they agree to publish the deposited text under a Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0 licence may be accepted for publication.

In the file with the text of the article, next to their name, affiliation and correspondence address, the author should provide ORCID number and place  a statement below the text that they agree to the publication of the article under a Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0 licence.
The author is required to undergo the ghostwritting firewall procedure.
The author bears the liability arising from publishing rights and copyright (quoting, reprinting of illustrations, tables and charts from other sources).
Until the online publication, a backed up copy of the provided materials should be stored on a hard disk or other storage medium.

Detailed rules for texts:

The following work layout applies

1. Full names of the author(s), ORCID number.
2. Affiliation data (approx. 200-300 characters): academic degree, scientific specialisation, name of the department or school, name of the higher education institution, correspondence and internet addresses.
3. The title of work in Polish and English (and/or in another congress language being the language of publication).
4. The text of the work, preferably divided into paragraphs.
5. Annex bibliography. Where possible, please provide the DOI reference number.
6. Summary of the work in Polish and English (and/or in another congress language being the language of the publication), containing approx. 1,000 characters, and keywords in Polish and English.

Editorial guidelines

· text formatting: main text font: Times New Roman 12, 1.5 spacing; text font in footnotes: Times New Roman 10, 1 spacing
· use 2.5 cm margins
· use capital letters in the title and subtitle of the article
· do not use bold and underlined text.
· quote with quotation marks, and not in italics
· place bibliographical footnotes under the text where they appear (so-called footnote)
· write titles and subtitles of the publication in italics
· avoid using multiple footnotes in one sentence; if the authors' names appearing in the same sentence require separate bibliographic data, one footnote should be placed at the end of the sentence, and it should contain the relevant bibliographical references
· write foreign words in italics, e.g. primo
· place footnote marks before the punctuation mark
· provide the full name of the organisation or institution when you mention it for the first time, e.g. United Nations
· provide a person's full name when you mention them for the first time, e.g. Lech Nowakowski
· write proper names in a Polish text in Polish, e.g. Organizacja Paktu Północnoatlantyckiego, Unia Europejska, Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki [North Atlantic Treaty Organization, European Union, United States of America], and in an English text - in English
· do not decline abbreviations, e.g. PSL instead of PSL-u
· write dates as follows: 25 October 2008, in October 2008
· write decades in words, e.g. in the eighties
· use en dash without spaces in ranges, e.g. 1945-1989
· the text should be attached with bibliography ordered alphabetically by the name of the first of authors or - if the entry is a collective work - by the title of such work

An example of the bibliographic description in the footnote:

K. Wojtyła, Miłość i odpowiedzialność, ed. KUL, Lublin 1982, p. 18.
D.L. Rosenhan, M.E. Seligam, Psychopatalogia, t. 1, PWN, Warszawa 1994, p. 59.
T. Szubka, Wprowadzenie, in: Metafizyka filozofii analitycznej, ed. T. Szubka, TN KUL, Lublin 1995, p. 9.
T. Styczeń, Narodzić się, aby kochać. Jak ocalić tożsamość Europy?, „Roczniki Filozoficzne” 1994, b. 2, p. 45.
A.P. Wejland, Ukryte porównania, „Studia Socjologiczne” 1991, No 1, p. 91 n.
K. Dobbelaere, Sekularyzacja. Trzy poziomy analizy, transl. R. Babińska, ed. Znak, Kraków 2008, p. 255 nn.
Ibidem, p. 15.
K. Wojtyła, Miłość i odpowiedzialność…, p. 18 nn.
K. Dobbelaere, Sekularyzacja…, p. 255.
Entry of the electronic document as a scientific text: Abbreviation of the author's name, Title of a scientific publication published on the Internet, website address where the text was found, date of acquisition, e.g. access: 23.06.2020.

An example of the bibliographic description in the attachment bibliography:

Dobbelaere K., Sekularyzacja. Trzy poziomy analizy, transl. R. Babińska, ed. Znak, Kraków 2008.
Rosenhan D.L., Seligam M.E., Psychopatalogia, v. 1, PWN, Warszawa 1994.
Styczeń T., Narodzić się, aby kochać. Jak ocalić tożsamość Europy?, „Roczniki Filozoficzne” 1994, b. 2, pp. 45-53.
Szubka T., Wprowadzenie, in: Metafizyka filozofii analitycznej, ed. T. Szubka, TN KUL, Lublin 1995, pp. 5-9.
Wejland A.P., Ukryte porównania, „Studia Socjologiczne” 1991, No 1, pp. 91-108.
Wojtyła K., Miłość i odpowiedzialność, ed. KUL, Lublin 1982.

Technical preparation of work

1. Electronic texts sent to the editorial team should be written using one of the standard text editors, such as: MS Word (all versions), OpenOffice (all versions) or other, supporting RTF format.
2. The volume of sent texts may not exceed 1 publisher's sheet. (36-40 thousand characters with spaces and footnotes) in the case of an article. When calculating the volume of the text, it should be taken into account that it also includes a list of quoted literature (bibliography), as well as abstracts in Polish and English, tables and figures. Review volume should not exceed 10 thousand characters.
3. The main part of the publication (abstract, proper text of the article and references) should be saved in one file.
4. Graphic material (drawings, diagrams, charts) should be prepared and sent as a separate electronic file (source files) in programs working in Windows operating system (e.g. in Excel, Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator etc.). Moreover, they may be placed in a text document to identify where they should be located.
5. The editorial team reserves the right to make shortcuts and corrections, as well as to suggest changes and substantive additions agreed with the author.
6. When referencing non-Latin alphabets, provide them in the main text and footnotes in the original languages, but Latinise them in the bibliography in accordance with the principles adopted in Poland.