The Concept of Subjectivity in Educational Studies

Agnieszka Salamucha

University of Warsaw , Poland


In my paper, I analyze the concept of subjectivity in the context of educational studies, especially polish pedagogy of care and upbringing. I consider three main meanings of the term „subjectivity”: 1) typical of human beings, constant ability/disposition/potentiality; 2) changing and dynamic actualization of this potentiality; 3) an authority as a result of being human. These meanings of subjectivity may be useful in the analysis of the dispute, whether the care – as a relation, where a caregiver is responsible for her ward – deprives a ward of her subjectivity.

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Salamucha, A. (2020). Pojęcie podmiotowości w pedagogice. Zeszyty Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II, 61(4), 307–315.

Agnieszka Salamucha
University of Warsaw


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