Tadeusz Kubiak and Anna Kamieńska: the poetic meetings with brother Albert Chmielowski

Jakub Kozaczewski


The core of the article is the comparative analysis and interpretation of two poems dedicated to St. Brother Albert: „Brother Albert’s Monastery” by Tadeusz Kubiak and „Meeting with Brother Albert” by Anna Kamieńska. Author’s thesis leads to the conclusion that Brother Albert as a person is not autonomous theme in Kamieńska and Kubiak work - on a different level of understanding poets treat Brother Albert’s figure more like a pretext to unveil their own reflections and artistic thoughts.


Polish Contemporary Poetry, Anna Kamieńska, Tadeusz Kubiak, Father Albert in Polish Literature.

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Jan Paweł II, encyklika Veritatis splendor, Wrocław 1993, s. 12-44.
A. Kamieńska, Autointerpretacja, [w:] tejże, Na progu słowa, Poznań 1985, s. 10-15.
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Kozaczewski, J. (2020). Tadeusz Kubiak i Anna Kamieńska: poetyckie spotkania z bratem Albertem. Zeszyty Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II, 61(2), 49–61. https://doi.org/10.31743/zn.2018.61.2.49-61

Jakub Kozaczewski  jakubkoz@vp.pl


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