If not for Malik…

Małgorzata Żurakowska


The article presents the profile of the scholar, based on his cooperation with the regional radio that resulted in a series of radio programs on literature. In the archive of Radio Lublin there are twelve broadcasts on the subject matter that fascinated Malik – literary biographies, Prus and contemporary writers. Currently these tapes are not available to the public, which renders the presentation of some of them all the more interesting. The article includes a description and an analysis of selected programs, cites parts of the recordings and presents the circumstances of the registration of the material. The programs let the audience get acquainted with the scholar’s specific argumentation style, his knowledge of authors’ biographies, the passion with which he studied literature and his unusual attachment to Lublin and the region. The listener also learns about the people who were important to the professor, his idols; Malik often referred to the figure of the great literary scholar Prof. Stanisław Fit, whom he called the Master. Attached to the article is the list of the programs that are held in the Radio Lublin archive and that Prof. J. Malik took part in.


positivism, radio, literature, radio broadcast

Audycje Małgorzaty Żurakowskiej z udziałem profesora Jakuba Malika, zgromadzone w Archiwum Państwowym, depozyt w Polskim Radiu Lublin, stan na dzień 12.12.2017.

Inny Reymont, czas 21’47, data emisji 2002 r.
Krajobraz a stan duszy, czas 25’10, data emisji 2002 r.
Gdyby nie Mincel…, czas 21’24, data emisji 2002 r.
Prus i inni, czas 22’42, data emisji 2003 r.
Miasto dojrzałych wiśni, czas 24’51, data emisji 2005 r.
Fantazja moja chadza piechotą…, czas 27’50, data emisji 2009 r.
Castorp, czas 25’53, data emisji 2010 r.
Jeszcze o Prusie, czas 21’15, data emisji 2010 r.
Prus kolejny raz, czas 23’47, data emisji 2011 r.
Stanisław Fita pro memoriam, czas 21’47, data emisji 2011 r.
Literacka śmierć pisarza, czas 20’14, data emisji 2014 r.
Literackie biografie, czas 25’43, data emisji 2015 r.


Żurakowska, M. (2020). Gdyby nie Malik…. Zeszyty Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II, 61(2), 217–225. https://doi.org/10.31743/zn.2018.61.2.217-225

Małgorzata Żurakowska  malgorzata.zurakowska@radio-lublin.pl


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