Blessed Edmund Bojanowski, the founder of the Congregation of Sisters Servants – a new religious congregation in the difficult period of suppression in the Prussian partition

Waldemar Rozynkowski


During difficult period of suppression of religious houses in the Prussian partition, exactly in the Wielkopolska region, the Congregation of Sisters Servants was established. This was possible, on the one hand, thanks to the determination of its founder, Edmund Bojanowski, and, on the other hand, thanks to the character of the ministry that this new community undertook. This article presents the history of the founding and the first years of development of the community of Sisters Servants, exactly until 1871, which is until the death of E. Bojanowski. The theme was presented mainly from the perspective of the relations of the new congregation to both church and lay authorities. On the example of the history of the Congregation of Sisters Servants was presented: on the one hand, the characteristics of the new forms of consecrated life that we encounter throughout the Church in the nineteenth century (including the partitions of Poland divided between the three invaders), on the other hand, the nature of the period of partition, in which the new religious communities were formed and functioned.


Edmund Bojanowski, Congregation of Sisters Servants, Prussian partition, Wielkopolska region, suppression of religious houses, nurseries

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Rozynkowski, W. (2020). Bł. Edmund Bojanowski założyciel Zgromadzenia Sióstr Służebniczek - nowe zgromadzenie zakonne w trudnym okresie kasat w zaborze pruskim. Zeszyty Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II, 60(4), 95–108.

Waldemar Rozynkowski


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